Once upon a
time in a Little village called “Nowhere”, there was a marble mansion which had
large gold color crystal Windows and a beautiful roof that looked like
chocolate and smelled like it, and this great house had a giant porch rounded
by climbing plants.
The house
was composed in the first floor by a charming kitchen that on winters gathered
the family together. The living room had great leather sofas and a fabulous
Persian carpet. In the second floor the main room was in the center and the
other seven rooms around it. The house was surrounded by a spectacular
landscape of white mountains reflected on the blue lake and green hills filled
of wild animals like horses, cows and deers.
In that
lovely house lived a fat mouse called John who had a penetrating sight, who
lived with his beautiful daughters. The oldest daughter called Ursula who was
very ambitious and egocentric, the second one Fiona beautiful but dissocial and
the youngest Emily, rejected by her daughters due to her beauty and kindness
and because she felt in love with a poor mouse who worked in a cheese factory.
The family
daily living was very chaotic, as Mr. John has had inherited the fortune from
his father, all the family was very distant and unhappy. Every day, early in
the morning the first thing Mr. John made was going to the kitchen and opens
the fridge that was located in the corner. There he ate all he can and then
felt guilty when he uses to see his big belly trough the glass in the corridor.
Neither his body fat obscure his egocentricity because he believed that he was
the most beautiful mouse in town. He dressed up silk coats, gold and silver
jewelry and the most characteristic thing was his mahogany wood walking cane.
But on the other side the truth was that Mr. John was so ugly, with wide
eyebrows and fat cheekbones that made his eyes seemed to be closed. Meanwhile
Ursula and Fiona’s life was so empty, based on luxury and physical appearance
and they never did something productive and spent the day filing their nails
and reading fashion magazines. But there was an exception and his name was
Emily, the youngest sister. She radiated good feelings. Through the morning she
spent her time watering the garden full of flowers and in the evening walk across
the lake.

But the
time ran very fast and the times changed and the old John got sick and he
thought he should give his fortune to his daughters and decided to gather them
around his deathbed. Then the three mice sat down to the left of a beautiful
marble chimney and heard to their father said “daughters, I gathered you
together today to tell you that I want to give you all my possessions, but, you
have to get married with only rich mice”. Obviously Fiona and Ursula said
instantly that they have fiancés but Emily doubly said yes afraid of what could

The days
passed by and Fiona and Ursula knew that their father was getting old and sick
so they started to please Mr. John as never they do. They gave him breakfast
and lunch and even cleaned up the house. Meanwhile Emily was rejected by her
devil sisters. But their behavior last only a couple of days and sometime later
Ursula and Fiona came back to the house with their fiancés seeking for John’s
fortune. By the way Emily kept taking care of the Old John but decided to
confess that she fell in love with a poor but a good feeling mouse that made
her so happy and she said that didn’t need any money to be happy. Then the two
sisters started to laugh and scoff but Mr. John with only one shout quieted the
yelling and bad sisters and told to them that they were so interested and
jealous and that he realized that the only good one was Emily. So she was going
to afford the most part of the inheritance and looking to Emily’s eyes wished
to her a life of joy and love besides her fiancé. Then the other two sisters
left the house without saying any word.
Finally the
Old John apologized to her loved Emily for being so bad with her during all
that years and Emily accept it. Then the Old John took a last breath and closed
his tired eyes forever.